David Lloyd George Elementary School
Vancouver, BC
David Lloyd George Elementary School is a replacement school located at 8370 Cartier St. in south Vancouver. Above the two-storey school sits a rooftop daycare, owned and operated by the City of Vancouver.
Our design approach to the school considers evolving learning philosophies in the 21st century, and aspires to speak not only to what that is today, but also to the evolving learning approaches of tomorrow.
The total area for the school is 3,709 m2 including 484 m2 of neighbourhood learning center areas. The school houses 40 kindergarten students and 400 grade 1-7 students. The third level rooftop daycare is 877 m2 and provides spaces for 69 infants, toddler, and preschoolers.
The project is on a sloping site with a grade difference of 7 meters. The main entry approach bridges across from 67th Street for entry into a portal on the second level. The project is targeting LEED Gold certification and Wood First guidelines.
Areas of impact