There’s nothing like sharing a festive dinner with loved ones during the holiday season. But, for many in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, a meal in itself can be a luxury.
On December 19, we will be working with A Better Life Foundation to create a full dining experience for those most in need in our community.
How it works
25 hcma staff will be heading down to Save on Meats, where their team of chefs will teach our team of newbies how to prepare and serve a three-course meal to approximately 100 people who rarely, if ever, get to enjoy the luxury of a restaurant dining experience.
The event is part of A Better Life Foundation’s Plenty of Plates program, a powerful initiative that reduces isolation and loneliness, while breaking preconceived notions of our neighbours in the DTES community.
Can you help?
To take part, we need to raise $5,000 to support their Daily Meal Program, which serves warm meals to 850+ people every day who are fleeing violence or living below the poverty line.
Any support you can offer this great cause would be greatly appreciated.