
PLACES: Public Architecture

Edited by

Alexandra Kenyon

Foreword by

Christopher Macdonald

A spread from"PLACES: Public Architecture HCMA Architecture and Design", which has a full bleed image of Jasper Public Library .

PLACES: Public Architecture explores our approach to community building through public architecture. Featured key projects typologies, many of which have been challenged by contemporary advancements in technology, include schools, libraries, fire halls, childcare centres, and more. Through the practice of architecture, hcma asks “What is the future of the library, of education, and of public space in an increasingly online age?"

PLACES showcases six of hcma designed civic facilities which seek to strengthen and enrich the communities, businesses and people they serve. The book features critical text by accomplished writer, Jim Taggart, professional photography, lucid architectural drawings and details, as well as a look at the firm’s design process of iterative modelling/diagramming and research on contemporary topics. It also features a window into our office culture and community building initiatives including hcma Days, the Canfor Playhouse Challenge and a course taught by the firm on Social Sustainability at the UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA).

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