Kim Winston

Director, Community Projects
  • ARB UK
  • MArch

“Why do I do what I do? People. To help create beautiful buildings for people that inspire, engage and adapt to meet the varied needs and desires of communities, both now and in the future.”

Kim is interested in creating architecture that helps people imagine and then realize new possibilities for their communities. She enjoys working with clients and communities to understand their various needs and establish a shared vision for a project.

Kim brings over 10 years of experience working on community, educational, residential, commercial, and master planning projects. Her work focuses on finding cost-efficient design solutions that inspire and engage the community. Kim was integral to the Granville Island 2040 Land Use Vision & Strategy project as well as a number of feasibility and schematic design studies for community and recreational facilities.

Kim loves being an architect because she can work in a team that continually questions and finds solutions to make better buildings and cities.

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  • ARB UK
  • MArch