The climate crisis is the single greatest issue of our time, and it requires urgent action.
As an industry, we are responsible for creating safe and just spaces for humanity and biodiversity to thrive. Designing and delivering buildings, however, accounts for significant greenhouse gas emissions, and has a tremendous impact on the health of both our communities and our environment.
Business as usual is not an option. We must address the complexity and urgency of this issue; one we believe is as much social as it is bio-physical. It’s time to examine ourselves, our business practices, and our influence on society if we are to give our children, and our planet, the future they deserve.
We invite you to join us outside Vancouver City Hall at 1pm, and the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, Victoria, at 12pm, on Friday, September 27th for the strike.
hcma also commits to further actions, including those in the Canadian Architectural Professionals Climate Declaration.